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Friday, 25 March 2016

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Perception - Lee Strauss Review

Perception is a Sci-fi, mystery and romantic novel. The concept of this book is very intruding. The story sets in the future where science is so developed that people can genetically advance themselves, i.e GAP and live for 100 more years. There are normal peoples also in this world. Both the GAP's and the Normals live separately and equally hate each other.

It is a story of seventeen year old Zoe Vanderveen, who is a GAP and lives inside the security of a GAP city named Sol. The story starts with Zoe's brother Liam who goes missing. Due to very carefree attitude of Zoe's parents as well as authorities, Zoe decides to find her bother on her own.

The search of the Liam's whereabouts leads Zoe to the outside world, a place where normals lives and is known as "Los Angeles'. Zoe decides to take help of her maids son named 'Noah Brody'. Noah is a normal who leads protest against the GAP's and their policies. During their search both Zoe and Noah developed a feeling of love and affection for each other. The story continues further making shocking revelations regarding Liam as well as Zoe.

As I said earlier, the concept of this book looks very fascinating. The author 'Lee Strauss' has done a good job in describing the character and the entire situation. I also like the fact that the book is written in first person's point of view giving chance to the readers to developed an intimate connection with the character itself. Also the chapters are kept small which makes it easy for the readers to stay connected with the book.

However, the development of the story is not up to the mark. The author was clearly struggling in the plot development section. Few important aspects where simply ignored which could have made the novel more interesting to read.

So if you are a sci-fi reader and are interested in romantic novels, you can surely have a look at this novel. I  will leave a link to amazon from where you can get the book if you want. For me personally, this book didn't did much a good.

Let me know in the comments section below whats your take on this book if you have read it already. And do comment on things which you like or don't like about this review. Any suggestions will surely be appreciated.

Buy the book from here:

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Perception - Lee Strauss
Reviewed by Sushant Sawant