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Sunday, 4 September 2016


Biography Of Famous People: Alexander Hamilton - John Smith Review

(Picture Source: Washington University Law School)
Hello Readers...

First I would like to thank and express my sincere gratitude to the author of this book "John Smith" for providing a copy of this book. Here, I would like to mention that John Smith sent me a draft of this book for the review. So, there are chances that the book which is available commercially might be different from what I read. Lets start the review with one of my favorite Alexander Hamilton's quote:

"Those who stand for nothing, fall for nothing."

As stated by Wikipedia, Alexander Hamilton was the founding father of "The United States of America" and the first "United States Secretary of the Treasury". Knowing those facts and being a person who likes to read autobiographies and biographies of great people, I was very curious and excited to read this biography of Alexander Hamilton written by John Smith.

The draft sent to me was just 112 pages long. So, these book is very short and most of the people would be able to finish this book in about a week span. In my personal opinion, this is a very good point about the book as it will be one of those quick read books which most people prefer.

Also, John Smith managed to keep this book precised to the point. However, I do felt that the beginning was fragmented with just the facts laid out for the readers right from past to his death. I really felt confused while going through the beginning. Also the vocabulary which John Smith has used throughout the book seems pretty advanced making it difficult to understand and connect with the book for the people who are not born in countries where English is not there primary language. I wish John Smith could have kept the language simpler for such audience.

Also I felt that the second half was much more interesting and engaging in terms of the way the facts were laid out, the pace with which the story was laid, the transitioning between the chapters and the language and the vocabulary used. I wished, At the end after reading the book, I wished that John Smith could have paid the same attention to the first half as he did to the second half which could have made the first half interesting both in terms of the content and the engagement of the content with the readers.

So to sum up, neglecting the beginning of the book, this book is really interesting and I really liked the way John Smith has narrated the life of the founding father of The United States of America - Alexander Hamilton. Being a person who doesn't know much about Alexander Hamilton and a non-US resident, this book sparked a interest and curiosity in me to get to know more such interesting things about such a great personality. So if asked to rate this book, I will give it 3.5 stars out of 5. If you felt interested and want to pre-order the book, here is link to the amazon from where you can get the book:

India: Biography of Famous People: Alexander Hamilton by John Smith

Outside India: Biography of Famous People: Alexander Hamilton by John Smith

So, this is what I feel after reading this book. Do let me know in the comment section what do you feel about the book. Guys if you like this review, do hit the like button and share it among your fellow readers and if you don't, do mention the reason in the comment section below as it will help me to get better and do SUBSCRIBE to the blog to get all the reviews right into your mail box. To know more about John Smith and his recent work you can visit his website:

So until next time, this is me Sushant signing off. You guys have a great day.



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